Timing Methods
cyrus01337Below is a graph detailing when to use which time measurement functions:
Method | Resolution | Runs backwards | Relative to | Cost | Lags if simulation lags | 1:1 real time | Constant during frame | Usage |
os.clock() | 1 µs | No | Nothing | Cheap, maybe a touch slower | No | Yes | No | High precision micro profile |
os.time() | 1 second | No | UNIX Epoch | Cheap | No | Yes | No | Get real UNIX timestamp |
tick() | 1 µs - sometimes? | Yes | UNIX Epoch (Sometimes) | Cheap | No | Yes | No | Don’t use, prefer os.clock() |
workspace.DistributedGameTime | 1/60 | No | On game start | Requires reflection? | Yes | No | Yes | Don’t use |
time() | 1/?? | No | On game start | Cheap | Yes | No | Yes | For consistent simulation step |
RunService.Heartbeat(dt) | 1/240 | No | N/A | Expensiveish, given in a loop | Yes | No | Yes | Equivalent to time() ? |
RunService.Stepped(time, dt) | 1/241 | No | time is “On game start” | Expensiveish, given in a loop | Yes | No | Yes | Equivalent to time() ? |